Palestine, Politics

Light a Candle for the State of Palestine

It is in Israel and the United States’ interest to support the recognition of the State of Palestine.

state-palestineIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu maintains that the recognition of the State of Palestine should be accomplished through the peace negotiations.

But the question is: With whom these negotiations should be conducted? With the PLO, an extinct entity whose name even is a relic of the past? Or with the PA whose legitimacy and validity had expired more than a decade ago? Or perhaps with the representatives of the State of Palestine, a UN member?

Israel and Palestine, two legal entities recognized by the international community and two UN members, are the only equal partners for lasting peace.

Which agreement would be more legal, more durable, more sustainable, and more recognized by the international community: an agreement with the PA, with the PLO, or an agreement with the State of Palestine?

Strategically, it is in the best interest for Israel and the United States to support the recognition of the State of Palestine by the UN members to be a UN member.

Recognition of the State of Palestine is not recognition of Hamas or Fatah but recognition of the right of the Palestinian people to be a member of the international community. It is a big step to undermine radicalism and extremism because it says in a loud clear voice that diplomacy works and violence is not the way.

Professor Mohammed S. Dajani Daoudi is Founding Director of Wasatia – Palestine Read other articles by Mohammed.

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