
Here’s How To Capitalize On Your Spiritual Gene!

Dear youngsters, please read this carefully. This article is going to change your life. I will break a myth for you that mindfulness, meditation or a “Spiritual Gene” are some sort of religious practices.

Science has advanced and teaches us how these practices unlock some of our genes to make us a genius. And it is a proven fact that geniuses around the world have practiced mindfulness to innovate, invent and create.

Science has taken such significant strides in the last two centuries that now it has very few things to discover in the physical world. Science is trying to solve questions that have puzzled man for millennia; questions which are more existential, somewhere spiritual as per science.

Concerning youngsters, it is understood that they want to be leaders and thrive in life.

So the question remains: what is leadership and what does this spiritual gene have to do with personal success?

What’s the connection? How are some people able to unlock a part of the brain that helps them answer questions about existence and purpose? How are leaders different from the rest of the crowd? And just what makes them so different?

Leadership and spirituality have intrigued modern age scientists and they are resorting to the facts which are only found in the ancient texts of India.

India has been and still remains a scientific country, with ancient Rishi-Munis / Sufis / Acharyas as scholars and scientists. Do not forget that Bhāskara was an Indian mathematician who gave Zero to the world. If you read more such ancient texts and scriptures, you will realize Shiva was the chief scientist and does not belong to any one religion or practice.

Shiva is an eternal being, an embodiment of knowledge and devotion. He is not a religion; he is a philosophy of how to live a responsible life. In the modern age, we call it leadership, ethical leadership or responsible leadership and the likes. Religion is a part of humanity’s culture, a link to the traditions and morals that have defined people for years. Science is separate from culture. It is supposed to exist outside the biases, assumptions, and mythologies we have always relied on and challenge us to see the universe through fresh eyes.

This raises other questions: why am I talking about science and spirituality? What is it to do with young leaders and why did I say youngsters at the beginning of this article?

Hold on, your answers are as below!

Now scientists say they have found the spiritual or God Gene. American geneticist Dean Hamer discovered the God Gene or VMAT2.

Dean Hammer, in his book The God Gene, says “Faith Is Hardwired into Our Genes,” meaning we are born with an innate capacity for transcendence. Transcendence means “Going Beyond.” It doesn’t only restrict to beyond the physical world that is commonly understood but also going beyond your current capacity, your next level of leadership and progress as a human being.

This spiritual gene has been further explored by Lisa Miller in her book The Spiritual Child, who is the director of the varsity’s Clinical Psychology Program.

Miller says, “Science now tells us that this spiritual faculty is inborn, fundamental to the human constitution, central in our physiology and psychology. Spirituality links brain, mind, and body.” The Pineal gland is also said to be the Spiritual gland. It is located at the center of every person’s brain. This gland secretes a hormone called DMT or Dimethyltryptamine which helps people achieve a state of spiritual bliss. DMT is also called the Spirit Molecule.

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How does one unlock this power of DMT molecule & VMART2 Gene?

The answer is silence. Shut down your five senses for twenty minutes a day. Begin with five minutes, and take it up to ten. Then gradually unlock the power to transcend and to go beyond.

You do not have to recall God necessarily (choice is yours), as it is usually rejected by the younger generation because they think it’s some kind of religious practice. Nowadays there are so many podcast and online meditation music available. Just insert your headphones and go into isolation for some time.

While finding a connection between leadership and mindfulness, my message to people is that the spiritual gene can be decoded and you can connect with your higher self. This means that the spiritual practice of silence which was further adopted by all religions is a way to develop the grey matter in our brain and create new neuron connections. When that happens your left and right brain connects more, works in harmony and you gain control over that part of the brain which is dedicated to impulse control and emotional reaction.

It is not surprising how the west has adopted this science. They have research papers and MRI scans exhibiting the changes your brain undergoes post consistently practicing twenty minutes of silence over three months. All this happens because the Gene, which I also name as the God /peace Gene is now fully thriving and waiting for its true expression.

Unlocking the power of the spiritual gene helps us speed up our memory and learning abilities; enhance our intuition, wisdom, and creativity which triggers leadership capacity.

The spiritual gene which is imperative in self-actualization thus develops a human being’s full potential. People with higher spiritual gene connection are more creative, innovative, problem solvers and authentic leaders.

I am yet to meet a global leader who doesn’t practice mindfulness and capitalize on this gene. The heroes of innovation like Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg practiced silence and mindfulness to fulfill their leadership potential.

So what are you waiting for? Give silence a chance!!!

Rachna Sharma is a thought leader, Harvard Alumnus, author, speaker, philanthropist and an ex-hotelier. She is also the founder of the volunteer-based pilot program / social campaign vision 2021 – One Million Youth for Peace which focuses on world peace. With over 14 years of rich experience with world famous brands like Taj Group, The Imperial, Lebua Hotels and Resorts and Hilton Worldwide, she was also the recipient of “Leading Woman in Hospitality Award” in 2012. Ms. Sharma also earned recognition by Femina in the Women Entrepreneurship Award in 2016. Rachna has recently been recognized as “LinkedIn’s Most Powerful Profiles in the year 2018.” Read other articles by Rachna.