Kenya, Videos

Getui: HIV in Kenya

Professor Mary Getui, chairperson of the National AIDS Control Council in Kenya, explains how her organization helps prevent the transmission of HIV.

hiv-kenyaThe mission of the National AIDS Control Council (NACC) is to: “Provide policy and a Strategic framework for mobilizing and coordinating resources for the prevention of HIV transmission and provision of care and support to the infected and affected people in Kenya.”

Since NACC is a National Coordinating Authority, it has some mandates that include:

  • Provision of policy and a strategic framework
  • Mobilization and coordination of resources
  • Prevention of HIV transmission
  • Care and support for those infected and affected by HIV and AIDS

This NACC mandate is recognized worldwide within the “three ones” principles namely

  1. One agreed HIV and AIDS Action Framework that provides the basis for coordinating the work of all partners.
  2. One National AIDS Coordinating Authority with a broad based multi-sectoral mandate.
  3. One agreed country-level Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) system.

Since its inception, NACC has had some notable achievements which include: the coordinating development and implementation of the Kenya National HIV and AIDS Strategic Plans (KNASP I, KNASP II and KNASP III); the development of policies on key areas including orphans and vulnerable children; mainstreaming gender into the Kenya National HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan (KNASP) and engaging with key sectoral ministries to mainstream HIV and AIDS in the context of the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) budget process.

To watch the entire clip, follow this link:

Professor Mary Getui is Chairperson of the National AIDS Control Council in Kenya.

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