Business, Entrepreneurship, Europe, Italy, Tech

Introducing the Online Newspaper West

italy-online-newspaper-westThe deputy editor of the online newspaper West (Welfare, Society and Territory) has six areas of responsibility.

The first is reviewing the national and international press with particular attention to any news related to social policies, especially in Europe and the United States. Some of these news items are then assigned in the morning to writers and correspondents for West, so that they can produce news and comment, to be delivered that afternoon or the next day. This activity usually takes place between 9am to 12pm.

The second area of responsibility, which in some ways is more delicate, takes place from 12pm to 2pm. This consists of the selection, with the input of director Guido Bolaffi, of the best articles written by the editorial staff, to be published on the front page of West.

The third stage is the editorial meeting with the director. This is when content and language is further discussed, as well as writing headlines.

The fourth area is the careful daily monitoring of all developments about immigration in the European Union and the United States. The aim of this is to personally write editorials, analysis, surveys and interviews on this subject to be published in the editorial comment section of West. The deputy editor publishes on average four comment articles per month.

The fifth phase is traveling between five and ten days per month to work at West’s Brussels bureau. The aim of this is to monitor the bureau’s activity and to strengthen West’s contacts network with the European institutions. These include the European parliament, Commission and “third sector” organizations (private or non-governmental). Part of this process is to organize and participate in events and conferences on certain current issues related to social policy in the EU.

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The sixth area of duty is ongoing work with the director to identify and test new editorial strategies to improve West and keep up to date. Finally, as well as the activities outlined above, the deputy editor plays an important role as expert in migration policies at conferences, events and radio programmes both in Rome and in Brussels.

Giuseppe Terranova is deputy editor of the online newspaper West. He has a PhD in politics and comparative law of the euro-Mediterranean region, from Università Kore in Enna, Italy. As an expert on immigration policies, he is a member of the European Centre for International Affairs in Brussels and assistant professor at the department for sustainable development (working with Prof. A Giordano) at Luiss University of Rome. He is also a member of the editorial committee of the French geopolitical journal Outre-Terre, edited by Prof. Michel Korinman (professor at the Sorbonne University in Paris), and a contributor to the magazine Population & Avenir edited by Prof. G F Dumont (rector of the Institute of Geography of the Sorbonne University) and the Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana. He has also worked as a publicist for various national and international newspapers and magazines.