Culture, India, Travel

Exploring The Beautiful Lakshadweep Islands

Lakshadweep is a group of islands in the Laccadive Sea off the southwestern coast of India.

Lakshadweep-IslandsIndia has witnessed new economic and political contours with Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The Lakshadweep group of islands, consisting of 36 coral islands spread across the Arabian Sea of which 10 islands are inhabited and the rest are uninhabited, are arguably one of the most beautiful unexplored terrains in the world.

The groups of islands are geographically situated at the southwestern coast of the Union of India and are awarded the status of union territory dating back in 1961. Archaeological evidence suggests inhabitants settled the region around 1500 BC. The Islamic faith was accepted among the islanders and Lakshadweep maintains a Muslim presence.

Sadly, despite having the potential to become a great global tourist attraction, the islands are unable to achieve a self-sustainable economy. Islanders depend on the government for employment and subsidies.


Dynasty rule has made a mockery of the democratic process here. To make matters worse the erstwhile Indian Congress elected members of the region and have further slowed down the growth of development of these islands to suit their political agenda.


Unfortunately, the Lakshadweep islands were left out of this economic boom and desperately need tourism to help boost the local economy. Interested tourists searching for unspoiled beaches can learn more on Twitter following the hashtag #Lakshadweep.

Ubaidulla Thangal is a management professional and a follower of the Qadiriya Sufi order.

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