
Top News Articles From Last Week

Have you seen our commentary from last week on the latest in politics and the environment?

better imagesThis has been another great week for Sharnoff’s Global Views. In the past week, we have received articles ranging from human rights in China to Palestinian-Iranian relations.

In case you missed it, be sure to read our online coverage here.

Time for China to Ratify International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

Hamas, PIJ Vie for Iranian Influence

Uzbek Activist on Freedom, Democracy

Balochistan’s Earthquake Victims Await Help

Did your country make the top 10 list of countries visiting SGV?

  1. United States
  2. India
  3. United Kingdom
  4. Afghanistan
  5. Pakistan
  6. Canada
  7. Malaysia
  8. United Arab Emirates
  9. Singapore
  10. Australia

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Stay tuned for more original commentary from the international perspective. For instant updates and breaking news, be sure to join our growing global community on Twitter @sgviews and on Facebook at

Michael Sharnoff is founder and editor of Sharnoff’s Global Views. Follow him on Twitter @MichaelSharnoff.

See also  India's Plan to 'Identify' Residents Could Backfire