Asia, Pakistan, Politics, South Asia

Instability in Pakistan: Time to Act; not to Regret

Pakistan represents nothing but a chunk of nations ensnared by social fragmentation and polarized intelligentsia.

pakistan-instabilitySocial scientists argue that social synthesis is the embryonic stage of the social integration theory, which performs as the primary stimulating force in unifying scattered social groups and heterogeneous classes into an organized structure.

The synthesizing status qualifies for a harmonious society only amid environments where the interrelationship between the resource-dominating and the resource-supplying classes is – though polarizing – present and does prevail a commonality of understanding. However, it seems far away from reality in Pakistan.

The other day, not a single newspaper forgot to pay tribute to Mohammed Ali Jinnah, the ambassador of the Two-Nations Theory, who advocated the partition of India in 1947. Many even expressed regret for what they have done to the country for last sixty plus years against the aspirations of their guide. Unarguably, but embarrassingly, we are best in regretting and worst in true pursuit.

First, we support and sometimes involve with the harbingers of wrongdoing when they assume power. We smash the traditions and principles; we turn our eyes blind to every possible link that might remind us of the true cause of partition. With the connivance of the culprit elements, we do not leave a single opportunity to disgrace the country, but when the consequences of our misconduct pour upon society, we regret. That’s it; the duty is over, job well done.

There is a great deal of irony in the truth that after more than six decades of emancipation from colonial subjugation, there exists no such nationally uniform doctrine that can properly define the course of the pre-independence vision.

Yes, we badly lack a manifest destiny

Pakistan represents nothing but a chunk of nations ensnared by social fragmentation and polarized intelligentsia.

This social divide is deeply present within the provinces to the grassroots level and it is not the outcome of some geopolitical discontinuity or some disdain emanating from dissimilarities in language. In fact, it is the gulf created by self-proclamation and self-interpretation of the goals associated with the vision that dominated the freedom movement. The track we were supposed to walk is lost.

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There is much reason to worry about the social bonds that are rapidly breaking down. The society is on the brink of collapse; individual to individual and family to family alienation is on rise.

A landslide victory in the recent elections by Imran Khan-led liberals does not, of course, mean that the other provincial regimes in general and federal government in particular stay immune from getting hostage from the feudal industrial lords. The day that men take to the streets and make their voices heard about governing issues will be the day we begin to see a gradual improvement in Pakistani society. That will be the day of true victory.

However, the current scenario of illiteracy and lack of political consciousness negate any certain possibility in the near future.

Jameel-ur-Rehman Zaib has a masters in International Relations from National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad.